With the global economy that is  plunging into oblivion and investors who are rushing to keep under control their own portfolios, everybody should understand how to stay afloat . The real estate market is always been a good investment option and it could actually generate a satisfying profit even under the current circumstances, always if one moves fast enough and consults the experts of this sector. With our pluriannual experience in the Cape Verdean real estate market, we strongly believe that this is a good moment to buy properties in this archipelago.  

In the past, we illustrated the advantages of visiting these islands, immersing oneself in the local culture, and considering investment opportunities in Cape Verde; the ongoing pandemic situation has certainly contributed to rise people’s desire to enjoy the outdoors, without pollution, and in contact with nature that this country offers in abundance.

In addition, Cape Verde has also been one of the countries less affected by the pandemic, and in spite of the dramatic drop in the tourism sector (in 2019 corresponded to 46% of its GDP – UN 2020), it has surprisingly managed to maintain its social-economic stability.

Thanks to the commitment of local institutions, to the cooperation of communities, international NGOs and the Government support, the country has stood to the lack of tourism and during the  pandemic has begun preparing its reopening with determination and optimism.

What the economic future reserves is until now uncertain due to the vastity of Covid-19 economic implications – in this region and worldwide – however, we wish to encourage anyone interested in investing here in Sal, where we have our headquarters,  to explore our new listings enclosed below and published on our website at www.cabohoseproperty.com

We offer free consultations and look forward to hearing from you.
